Fr. Steven Szakaczki 416-494-2704
R.C.I.A. Application Form updated august 31 2020
In the journey of Christian Initiation, Catechists have an indispensable role. They enable the faith of inquirers to resonate more and more deeply in their lives as they approach the sacraments of life in Christ. This direct formational reference to both the experience of evangelization and that of the sacraments is what distinguishes the work of Catechumenal Catechists from other catechetical roles. Under the direction of the RCIA Catechumenal Director, RCIA Catechumenal Catechists seek for the catechumens not just an acquaintance with doctrine and precepts, but also the experience of an "apprenticeship" in the whole of Christian life. They take an active part in the rites and celebration of the Word that mark the RCIA process.
- Prepares adults for the sacraments of Christian Initiation.
- Assists the RCIA Catechumenal Director by preparing sessions.
- Is present to deliver sessions based on the prepared materials.
- Is available to communicate with those seeking Christian Initiation.
- Liaise with the RCIA Catechumenal Director on an ongoing basis.
- Attends all liturgical celebrations and rites of the Christian Initiation process.
- Has a good understanding of the Catholic tradition and is able to share it in the context of adult faith development.
- Is open to the questions and inquiries of all session participants.
- Is available for meetings and training.
Skills, Experience, and Qualifications
- Is a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church in good standing.
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Has been registered with the parish for at least 2 years.
- Possesses a good knowledge of the Christian Initiation process and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
- Can relate effectively and communicate clearly with others.
- Must have good presentation and organizational skills.
- Ability to facilitate meetings and group dynamics.
- In cases of emergency, knows contacts and/or procedures.
Personal Traits and Qualities
- Desires to serve the community and to commit time and talents to this ministry.
- Needs to be a person of prayer.
- Desires to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Liturgical Rites.
- Has a willingness to work with the Pastor, the RCIA Catechumenal Director and fellow Catechumenal Catechists to ensure the ministry is conducted with efficiency, decorum and reverence.
- Has a helpful, supportive and non-threatening attitude in working with those seeking Christian Initiation.
- Is comfortable with being accountable and is sensitive to the observance of proper boundaries.
- Has a spirit of generosity.
Orientation and Training
Standard parish orientation program and training provided by RCIA Catechumenal Director. There are resources and sessions provided through the Catholic Pastoral Centre.