- To enable all parishioners, visitors, and friends of St. Aidan Parish to enliven and grow in the knowledge, love and defense of our Catholic Christian faith and morals according to the teachings of the Church.
Activities/ Explanation:
- All participants are welcome to share inspirational thoughts and reflections gathered from: Sunday and weekday homilies, EWTN and other Christian TV and radio talks, spiritual reading or even from meditation on Scripture, upcoming Sunday’s scripture readings, and the CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church).
- This mutual sharing enriches each others’ daily walk of life as Catholics. Feel free to attend even if you would like to just listen rather than share.
Meeting Frequency:
- Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 10:30 am to 11:30 am (online).
Meeting Location:
For further information contact:
- Maurino Alphonso (Telephone: 416-564 6471)