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A Good Woman (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Przesłane : Nov-15-2023

Click here for this Sunday's readings

The 31st chapter of Proverbs is attributed to a king named Lemuel, who had learned these words from his mother. This king is never mentioned anywhere else in the Bible, and is not in the list of kings for either Israel or Judah. It is not entirely clear who he is or what nation he was a king of. All we know is that he was not an Israelite, which makes this a rare example of divinely inspired wisdom from a Gentile source in the Old Testament.

The beginning of this chapter concerns what a good king ought to be like, but the rest of the chapter is about what a good wife ought to be like. This description of a good wife is based on the wisdom of his mother. Special emphasis is given to the good wife’s industriousness and diligence in providing for her household. She ensures that the family’s business is well taken care of and that her children are fed and clothed. She is also generous in giving her surplus goods to the poor and needy, and speaks words of wisdom to others. In all of this, she becomes an example for others to emulate, and a source of pride and honour for her husband and family. In the end, she receives due praise for all that she has done.

This list of traits is an important source of wisdom for men and women alike. For women, this passage provides a picture of what they should strive to be like, in terms of how to be a good wife and how to manage a household. Whether married or still single, they should strive to attain these qualities. For men who are seeking a wife, this passage provides a list of traits that they should look for when considering someone. Being a virtuous person is far more important than being physically attractive. Men should seek after someone who aspires to have all of these traits, and they themselves should also strive to be a blessing to their would-be wife.

J. Luis Dizon