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Christmas 50/50 Raffle Tickets this Weekend

Przesłane : Dec-08-2022

aid to women raffle

You could win up to $5,000 10 days before Christmas! Fundraiser tickets will be sold by Aid to Women this weekend after all Masses. Aid to Women (ATW) is a registered charity offering pro-life options and practical help to pregnant women Continuation of Christmas 50/50 Raffle: in crisis for over 34 years. Please join us in ATW’s Christmas 50/50 Cash Prize Raffle! Draw date is December 15. Tickets are $20 and you have an amazing chance to win $5,000 since only 500 tickets are being sold. Please see the ladies from Aid to Women for the sale of the tickets at the end of Mass. Thank you in advance for your assistance. We would also be grateful for any prayer and spiritual support you could offer.