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Christmas Message

Przesłane : Dec-22-2022

birth of jesus

As we continue to return to more normal circumstances let us be ever grateful for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us. His greatest gift to us His Divine Son, Jesus Christ. He came into the world to save us from our sins, to open the gates of heaven, to give us an example, and to invite us into a personal, familial relationship with God; with all three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. God the Son humbled Himself by assuming human nature and becoming man for all of us. He humbled Himself further by giving Himself to us in the most Holy Eucharist, so that we can have His life, His love, and His strength in us. May the losses and re strictions of the past two years teach us to appreciate more fully the good things in our lives, especially our faith and the presence of Jesus in our midst in the Eucharist. We pray for better times to come and that God helps us through all difficulties and challenges. May the Baby Jesus, His love and His peace, reign in our hearts. May we all have a joyous and blessed Christmas!