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Lenten Resolutions

Przesłane : Feb-23-2023

what are you doing for lent

Every Catholic is called to strengthen their spiritual life during the season of Lent. We should all make reasonable but challenging resolutions in three areas of our lives; our prayer life, self-denial, and charitable works. Pick something for each of these three that you can reasonably do for the entire period of Lent, but something that will have good level of challenge or difficulty. Keep in mind that your penances, or resolutions, should not be a burden to others.

Some suggestion examples:

  • Pray more,
  • Read from New Testament daily,
  • Come to Mass to prayerfully prepare,
  • Give up sweets,
  • Exercise regularly,
  • Don’t sleep in,
  • Take a colder shower,
  • Be more helpful around the home,
  • Visit or call relatives or old friends,
  • Do nice things for others,
  • Be more cheerful,
  • Befriend someone,
  • Give to charitable organizations,
  • Be kind and be polite even when you don’t feel like it.