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New Year’s Message from Father Steven

Przesłane : Dec-29-2022

from the pastors desk

During the past few years we have lived through some difficult times. We may wonder, “What does the New Year have in store for us?” New Year’s celebrations are usually occasions to hope for better things to come. Many, however, may be struggling because of financial or health related difficulties and may lack hope for the future. There are many things that can bring us down but we have to remember that we need to hope in God and not just our own efforts to improve our situation. Our hope in God should not just be for a better worldly life here and now. Our earthly existence is just a steppingstone towards eternal life. It is our close relation ship with God that can truly sustain us through present and future difficult times. Whether we are rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old what is most important is our relationship with God. If we are good with God, it doesn’t matter what the future holds, He will sustain us and He will help us to secure our place in Heaven. Perhaps a good New Year’s resolution should be focused on strengthening our spiritual life; our relationship with God.