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Palliative Postcard Campaign

Przesłane : Feb-26-2024

The Catholic Women’s League of our parish is distributing pre-printed postcards after all weekend Masses so parishioners can write to our Members of Parliament/Provincial Parliament asking for their urgent action to direct more resources to Palliative Care in our health-care system.

As a comprehensive approach to end-of-life challenges, Palliative Care combines pain management with efforts to attend to a patient’s psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Palliative Care also attends to the practical, emotional, and pastoral needs of caregivers, both professional and patient-identified, to ensure they receive proper support as they journey with the patient through his or her illness as well as after the patient’s death.

The Catholic Church remains strongly opposed to euthanasia and assisted suicide referred to as Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Let us make our voices heard and show our support for Palliative Care as a means of accompanying someone who is extremely vulnerable and significantly (if not entirely) dependent on others for care.

To learn more, visit

Please pick up a pre-printed postcard, add your return address and drop in the mail (no postage necessary).