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RCIA Candidates

Przesłane : Mar-03-2023


The “Rite of Election“ - as part of the Rite of Election of Catechumens (R.C.I.A.) - was held at the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, February 25, 2023. Candidates, with their sponsors, were presented to the Congregation. The catechumens also wrote their names on the “Book of the Elect”.

The individuals will be received into full Communion or receive baptism and the other sacraments at the Easter Vigil this year.

  • Please keep in your prayers those who are preparing to become Catholics or to receive all the Sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church. As they go through the various Scrutinies during Lent you may see them at one of the Sunday Masses.

Please welcome them into our parish community and please keep them in your prayers.