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Spiritus East Young Adult Ministry (Ages 19-35): “The Resurrection and Building a Culture of Encounter’

Przesłane : Apr-06-2023

spiritus via The Vocation of Man and Woman

Talk // Small Group // Fellowship.

Christ is Risen and He continues to be present in our midst, and because of this, we live differently. We live not for ourselves, but drawn into the Risen One’s own being, we now live to make Him present to others and build a culture of encounter. Join us as we hear a talk by Fr. Martin Dicuangco on Wednesday, April 12th at 7 pm, held at St. Timothy’s Parish (21 Leith Hill Rd). See you there and bring a friend! For more information or to get involved, please contact Samantha Goh, Eastern Region Young Adult Ministry, at or 416-599-7676.