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Stewardship Sunday

Przesłane : Sep-15-2022

stewardship sunday 2022

Our Cardinal Thomas Collins has designated Stewardship Sunday throughout the Archdiocese to occur annually on the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time. That’s this weekend. Part of the reason for this annual event is to remind us that we are all stewards of the gifts and talents that God has given to us, and if we are able, we should become more active in sharing with others, in serving God and our community. We encourage everyone to consider becoming more involved in our parish by joining one of the parish groups or ministries. Various groups will have a display after Sunday Masses on Stewardship Sunday, where you can find more information. We will also have an information sheet, on which you can indicate the ministries you might be interested in. Someone from the groups you express interest in, will contact you to give you more information.

Here's a Stewardship Sunday form for your convenience:

(The above form can also be accessed on our Parish Ministries page.)