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Thank you from the CWL - Food Bank Project and Plant & Bake Sale

Przesłane : Jul-07-2022

Catholic Women's League thank you many languages

The CWL St. Aidan Council gratefully acknowledges our parishioners’ ongoing donations to the Food Bank Project. As of early June, we have packed and delivered 1,300 kilograms of food to three Scarborough food banks - The Good Neighbours Food Bank, Scarborough Centre for Health Communities and 5N2 Kitchens. Thank you for your generosity especially this time of rising prices. Your donation makes a real difference to the needy in our community. This initiative has ended as of June 30. Thank you also to the donors, patrons, and helpers for our CWL Plant & Bake Sale which was an enormous success. Your participation in whatever way helps the CWL support its various charities. Thank you!!!