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The Coming King (14th Sunday of Ordinary Time)

Przesłane : Jul-07-2023

Click here for this Sunday’s Readings

The prophet Zechariah lived in the 5th century BC, after the return from the Babylonian exile. This is part of the so-called “Second Temple Period,” since the temple in Jerusalem had already been rebuilt, and is actually alluded to in Zechariah 9:8. The Jewish people are busily consolidating their religion and culture, having learned from their past experiences not to take God’s commandments lightly. Many of Zechariah’s prophecies concern a future period when God would save His people through a Messiah, but many of them would reject that salvation. Thus, the book is filled with Messianic prophecies, many of which are quoted directly in the New Testament.


This week’s reading, in particular, talks about a kingly figure who nevertheless appears in a humble manner, riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, rather than a more dignified mount such as a horse. He is described as a peacemaker who will conquer nations, but not by force of arms. He will cause wars to cease, and His rule will cover the ends of the earth. This is far loftier than what any king of Israel could hope to achieve, which is why the Jews interpreted this as referring to a future Messiah, who would rule politically over the world, and usher in a Messianic age of peace. Many claimants have come and gone throughout Jewish history, but all of them failed to fulfill this prophecy except for Jesus.


This passage is best known for being quoted in the Gospels in connection with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Thus, the Gospels directly connect this passage to Jesus and make it a Messianic prophecy. This is because Jesus is the prince of peace who shall speak peace to the nations,” as Zechariah prophesies. The peace He offers goes far deeper than just political or societal peace. It is spiritual peace, whereby man is reconciled to God. This is His promise to everyone who trusts in Him, when he says in the Gospel reading: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

J. Luis Dizon