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Valentine Dinner and Dance - February 10

Przesłane : Feb-04-2024

The St. Aidan Council’s Knight of Columbus is inviting you and your loved ones to a Valentine’s Day fundraiser event, scheduled for Saturday, February 10th, starting at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall.

Tickets are priced at $50 each, covering a delightful evening featuring a sumptu-ous meal, a DJ, door prizes, games, dancing, and enter-tainment. The funds generated from this event will be directed to-wards supporting local charities supported by the Knights of Columbus. Your tickets can be purchased after Sunday Masses in the foyer.

For more information and to RSVP, please contact Luis Dizon at 647 862 6717 or speak to one of the Knights. Join us for a fun and enjoyable evening while contributing to a worthy cause!
