- To serve God under the banner of Mary.
- We currently have ten active members in our praesidium Mary Help of Christians in St. Aidan Parish.
- Our apostolic works (prior to, and hopefully, post-pandemic) include:
- Hospital visitation of the sick in Scarborough Grace Hospital.
- Moving our Pilgrim Statue between parishioners’ homes.
- Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in parishioners’ homes.
- Visiting and giving Holy Communion to the seniors at St. Paul Lamoreaux.
- During the summer door-to-door home visitation in the parish vicinity.
- Celebrating the feast days of our Blessed Virgin by organizing a living rosary.
- Arranging indoor and outdoor activities for all our praesidium members annually.
- Above all, praying for the whole St. Aidan Parish community.
Meeting Frequency:
- Weekly on Thursday evenings at 7 pm.
Meeting Location:
- St. Aidan Parish – meeting room.
For more information contact: