Franz Braganza 647-273-0495
- Under the direction of the Choir Director, integrates their own area of responsibility in the singing of liturgical music.
- May be called upon to sing solo performances during the Liturgy.
- May be called upon to play an instrument for the music used during the Liturgy.
- Attends weekly practices and regular rehearsals and comes prepared with music selections as appropriate.
- Is available to sing during other special Church services and events as required.
- Works in conjunction with other members of the music staff to share in executing music for the Liturgy.
Skills, Experience, and Qualifications
- Is an active participant in parish worship.
- Demonstrates adequate skill in vocal techniques.
- Has an understanding of music and the Liturgy.
Personal Traits and Qualities
- Desires to serve the community and to commit time and talents to this ministry.
- Needs to be a person of prayer and collaboration with strong interpersonal skills.
- Is able to comfortably and confidently sing in public.
- Has enthusiasm, a positive attitude and a genuine appreciation of music.
Demonstrates commitment to developing voice skills.
- Has a spirit of generosity.