Click here for this Sunday’s readings
Most of Israelite history during the divided kingdom period was a continual round of lawlessness, injustice and idolatry interspersed with brief periods of godly rule. The Lord warned the people back when...
Every year The Catholic Women’s League of Canada sponsors the Youth Awards Program for Catholic youth in our schools and parishes. These contests help build confidence in our Catholic youth and give them an opportunity to share their...
Click here for this Sunday’s Readings
One of the common motifs in the Ancient Near East was that of the king as a pastor. Kings were likened to shepherds, and their subjects as their flock, whom they protected...
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The 31st chapter of Proverbs is attributed to a king named Lemuel, who had learned these words from his mother. This king is never mentioned anywhere else in the Bible, and is not...
This weekend the CWL invites all women in the parish, 16 and older, to become a member of the largest national organization of Catholic women in Canada. Come walk in friendship and faith.
Learn more about the CWL by talking...
CWL-St.Aidan Council members wish to thank all the parishioners, family and friends for their generous support to the Autumn Bazaar. It was a very successful event. And CONGRATULATIONS TO the WINNERS of the Autumn Baskets Raffle Draw: Jessie...
Thanks to the efforts of our CWL and Knights of Columbus our next Movie Night will be on Saturday November 11, right after the 5:00 pm Mass, starting at 6:15 pm.
We will be showing the movie, &ldquo...
Click here for this Sunday’s Readings
In the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament, one of the recurring themes is the importance of obtaining wisdom. The reader is encouraged to make the attainment of wisdom one of the...
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The book of Malachi is listed last among the books of the Old Testament. It details life in post-Exilic Israel. The temple had been rebuilt, levitical worship had been re-established...
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The Law of Moses contains several laws that are designed to protect those who are most disadvantaged in society. Such laws include leaving the edges of one's fields to be gleaned...
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This remarkable prophecy tells of Cyrus, king of Persia, liberating the people of Judah from exile in Babylon and restoring them to their land. Because Cyrus lived hundreds of years after the...
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Today's reading speaks about "the Mountain of the Lord." This is a reference to Mount Zion and the temple that stood on top of it, which is where the presence of...
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Vineyards were a common sight in the hills of Israel and Judah, and were a crucial part of their agricultural life. The grapes produced from these vineyards were used to produce wine...
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According to Scripture, God does not desire anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent and believe (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9). For this reason, He has tasked prophets...
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Two attributes of God are highlighted in this passage of Isaiah. The first attribute is transcendence. God is often said to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, but all of these omni- attributes...
St. Aidan Parish is currently looking for a part-time bookkeeper. We are currently accepting applications only from parishioners. The application form may be downloaded here:
Click here for this Sunday’s Readings
One of the seven deadly sins is anger. The Bible repeatedly warns against unforgiveness and holding grudges towards others. This is the theme that appears in this Sunday's readings. In this...
The Catholic Women's League of our parish is organizing an Autumn Bazaar on Saturday October 21, from 9.45 am to 3:00 pm in the Church Parking Lot and inviting parishioners/vendors to participate.
Once again, you are all invited with family and friends for the annual Public Rosary Rally to be held on Saturday October 14, at 12 noon. Please save the date!
This will take place by the side of St.Aidan...