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Sacred Fire Stories from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund

Posted : Feb-11-2025

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The following press release is from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund, established to accept donations from 73 Catholic dioceses across the country, and to advance healing and reconciliation initiatives, fulfilling the $30 million financial commitment made by Canada’s Bishops in September 2021.

We are excited to share Sacred Fire Stories, a short film from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF). Sacred Fire Stories has been a labour of love spreading the message of healing and reconciliation. The film features real Stories of Hope; projects that bring healing, preserve languages, support education and celebrate culture in Indigenous communities.

You can watch the video here or view The Annual Report 2024 here to learn more.


Creation Story of the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF)
Reconciliation at its core is about coming together to live in harmony. In September 2021, Canada’s Bishops gathered to act in the spirit of reconciliation and set their plan into action. The Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF) was created to fulfil the $30 million financial commitment to promote Indigenous-led healing across the land. The IRF accepts donations from 73 Catholic Dioceses across Canada to support purpose-driven initiatives led by Indigenous groups. We are so grateful for the support of the Catholic donors who are at the heart of our Stories of Hope.

Stories of Hope
The Sacred Fire Stories video was created to demonstrate how the IRF is making an impactful difference in Indigenous communities, through projects that bring healing, preserve languages, celebrate culture and support education. The fire is used as a metaphor to unite Indigenous Peoples and the Catholic Church, creating a sense of unity and building relationships.

Igniting a Fire
Our journey of reconciliation has only just begun, yet we’ve lit a fire under our community and have surpassed our milestones. We are making an unprecedented impact with our work, so far supporting over 200 projects. Over $18.9 million in funds have been raised since March 2022, making the financial commitment on track to exceed its goal of raising $30 million in five years.

The Power of Storytelling
Sharing stories is a key part of Indigenous culture. We can’t change the past, but we can work to create new stories for the future. Please watch our video and help spread this message of hope and healing. In hopes of reaching Northern Communities with limited internet access, please share these important stories on your social media and with your Church and local community. You can also join us on our journey and walk the path of reconciliation by continuing to make an impactful donation here.

The Difference You’re Making
The IRF is supporting Indigenous Elders, Youth and their families with inclusion of non-Indigenous people and Canadian newcomers. The result will be better understanding and reconciliation in projects to help in language, reading, culture and belonging in Indigenous communities. Lives are being changed by the financial support of Catholics and others across Canada. Their stories show the healing and positive impact your support makes possible. Local Indigenous groups or initiatives can apply for funding by contacting their local Archdiocese/ Diocese.

A Message of Gratitude
Together, we have brought hope and healing to many Indigenous communities and Peoples thanks to the selfless spirit of our committed donors and funding partners.

The story of the IRF, as told through this video, is now a beacon of understanding and a call to action. It resonates deeply with Indigenous communities and individuals seeking reconciliation and healing, encouraging all to walk the pathway of hope. The everyday impact has become a cornerstone of this journey, inspiring others to join us in building a future founded on mutual respect, empowerment, and shared purpose. Thank you for your courage, authenticity, and commitment to the vision of reconciliation.

In partnership, we are creating a legacy of hope that will ripple through generations to come. With your ongoing support, the healing within Indigenous communities across Canada will continue. You all make our work possible.


Thank you

Rosella Kinoshameg
Chair, Indigenous Reconciliation Fund

Local Indigenous groups or initiatives can apply for funding by contacting their local Archdiocese/Diocese.

Media Contact
Questions are welcomed and can be directed to or by learning more at